Thursday, 28 July 2011

Big Art in Kirkcudbright 2011 - about half way

A  couple of blogs ago we saw the start of this year's sculpture symposium. Today we're at the half way mark and for the sculptors who have been here since the beginning things are really starting to shape up. These pictures here cover Monday through to Wednesday.

We'll kick of here with Martha and her knotted rope. Five days, it seems, is long enough for her to start receiving mail in the harbour square.

Not so wee and sleekit, it's quite easy to see what is appearing from Alan's piece. In all the times I've passed by, I don't think I've seen him working with anything more aggressive than a hammer and chisel.

It's certainly more than a hammer and chisel for Nigel, who now looks like he has the basic shape made. Though not pictured here, when I left this afternoon, he had the marking for some of the details chalked out on one side.

Nuala and Toms' piece progresses with just Nuala at the moment. I'm told that Tom was returning shortly after I left today.

One of the advantages of the symposium is that the sculptors are working close together and can interact and learn from each other. Here's Martha having a wee shot at Nuala's rock.

Eldon's piece being shaped and smoothed.

It is of course, not so straight forward to move such large pieces of stone about. Here's the forklift shifting Eldon's for him. I think it was going to get stood up - we'll see the next time we pass.

Chris, who has put a lovely stippled surface on most of her rock, is putting a tartan pattern on the flat surfaces.

The large empty surface you see here from Monday, was well on the way to being patterned when I left today. Being a bit of a daftie, I forgot to take a picture of it.

The light's not being kind to me here but the checks have been coloured with wax.

Andy Breen, who was here last year and is a regular at art events in the town, arrived today and start carving a large cedar log out side the gallery at the harbour. It is his intention to move round to the Greengate gardens once it's small enough to fit through the gate.

Peter Dowden, marked down as absent in the last blog has actually been labouring away round at the museum. Though every time I arrive there seems to be the wrong time - pictures from Peter eventually.

Michelle's lettering is progressing brilliantly - see for yourself.

Ali, who studies sculpture in Italy and whose website I eventually found here, tell's me that the way to carve a perfect sphere is to carve a perfect cube and remove the edges in a contoled manner. Here he's producing a flattened sort of sphere so it's not a cube that he's starting with.

He had a little model of the shape he intends to produce.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is "wow". Thanks for the update post.

Crafty Green Poet said...

wonderful to see all these works of art in prgress!

Sandi said...

I wish I could be there to see these wonderful sculptures in progress.
Looking forward to the next update.

The Glebe Blog said...

Great to see the progress Sandy.
I'm hoping to make it over on Friday.Might just bump into you if you're still about.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Well now I can't wait to see the finish! Great stuff Sandy!

Sandy's witterings said...

Thank you everyone. Things are shaping up down at the harbour today and they should be finished tomorrow (some are already).

Good to bump into you Jim - always nice to put a face to a blog.

Ruthie Redden said...

Thanks for the update Sandy, seeing as I haven't managed a moment to get down there yet! Intirgued by the mouse. Can't believe I missed your visit.

Anonymous said...

I nearly did a double take when i first saw this blog.......... it doesn't seem five minits ago since the Big Art in Kirk 2010 blog appeared on our screens..... Has it really been a year!! Worrying, where does the time go...

It's a great insight seeing how the works take shape under hammer an chisel. Will look forward to seeing the finished works of art.

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Its a big Wow from me too, such talented people!It is wonderful to see these photos, thanks so much for sharing them. Looking forward to the next ones

Janet at New Moon Glass said...

I love where you live...

Tom Allan said...

Sandy, this is a fantastic blog! Thanks so much for taking such an interest in the Symposium last year and this.
Now I can see what I missed when I was away Sunday to Thursday, and your photos show the stages superbly!

Sandy's witterings said...

Thank you for you comments. Actually it's not quite a year - 11 months is nearer the mark.

Tom, the pleasure is mine. It's been a fasinating week to be in Kirkcudbright.

Zia Wolf-Sun said...

Amazing how skilled these people must be to achieve such works :)

Becky said...

Do they make mistakes and adjust? Or are they just perfect in their work?

Sandy's witterings said...

Thank you Wolfie

Becky - I'm sure they must make the odd mistake here or there but I didn't spot any. I know that one of the stones had a flaw in it on the first day and a great lump came off unexpectedly - I suppose it's part of the skill of the sculptor to be able to compensate for these things.