We start this visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park where we left of the last time with Jaime Plensu. Only this time his outside sculptures. These seven figures (there’s one obscured from view) hugging the trees are all embossed with the names of various composers all over them.
These figures are obviously coming from the same place as the tree huggers – they’re in the same posture. These ones are made from various cut out metal letters (not just English letters) which have been welded together.
There are several of these figures around the park.
Elizabeth Frink’s sitting man II. It’s painted face and the painted faces on the next pieces are from her interest in aboriginal art.
These three figures were inspired by Greek warrior statues discovered in Riace in 1972.
David Nash’s Three Stones for Three Trees
Could this be No 4?? What’s he doing up there?
Sophie Rider’s Sitting.
Bev examines Andy Goldsworthy – his work that is.
I don’t know anything about these things in the field. Well I do know that the big things in the background are trees and the things on legs in the foreground are sheep.
I was beginning to get a bit numb to Henry Moore. It seems that every council in the country has a set or two of his reclining figures and I’ve just seen to many of them of late. But here in Yorkshire they have a whole field of Moores, many which were quite new to me. It was good to have the man refreshed a bit, so I’ll leave you with a few of these.
This sheep seems to like sculpture.