Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Twix Sandwich

 On the course of my virtual travels the other day, I dropped in on the Foodstuff Finds blog, where I learnt about an awful hoo haa that had blown up over a child's packed lunch. I have to say that a Smarties sandwich sounds fine to me and who am I to complain, coming from the country that invented this (I've never tried one). I must commend the Foodstuff Finds blog for the thorough investigation of the incident, sourcing some particularly attractive Smarties, and not using white bread and thus increasing the public outcry like the Daily Mail did.

Saturday night out here on the Atlantic is chocolate night. By the time I got there, all the Smarties had gone.

Now I know I don't look all that impressed here but actually it tasted rather good. Our baker onboard's lovely malty brown bread with seedy bits in it complimented the Twix perfectly. Although on the downside a certain amount of dexterity was required to hold the Twix in the bread as I ate it - I'm sure a little butter would have solved this problem but, quite frankly, I think I've put enough weight on this week already.


Shundo said...

The things you put yourself through to provide an entertaining blog, Sandy...I haven't tried one of those yet, and missed the whole Smarties scandal - didn't make the American papers for some reason. I still have to convince people here that chip butties are a real food item...

Anonymous said...

My, what were they thinking...whoever came up with the idea of a candy bar between two slices of bread? They had to have been stoned at the time. "Dude, I got the munchies. Let's eat a candy bar sandwich." Far out man!

Sandy's witterings said...

It seems you're company on that side of the pond don't know what they're missing. Mind you I can't see it being as good with a Macdonald's style fry as with a good fat British chip. I like to throw health to the wind with my chip butties - butter and white bread, perhaps some tomato sauce (one of your 5 a day?)

Sinbad and you - can't blame the drugs I'm afraid. We've not got as much as a light beer out here.

The Glebe Blog said...

Nice one Sandy,as a treat we used to have banana fritters on fried bread.
Been a few years since I've had one though, I can't remember how to make the batter.
Oh ! I've no excuse now here the recipe Banana Fritters

Sandy's witterings said...

Banana fritters on fried bread - just as well you've got an active hobby Jim - it sounds more calorific than a Twix sandwich. Banana is one of your 5 a day though.

Poppy (aka Val) said...

A twix sandwich does sound a little strange but I am sure it tasted ok! I can remember having sugar sandwiches as a kid, plenty of butter to make the sugar stick of course!! Another favourite, which again needs plenty of butter is the good old crisp sandwich. Both sandwiches were yummy, but neither would be recommended these days I am sure!!

Sandy's witterings said...

I remember eating brown sugar sandwiches as a kid - could go one right now actually. Butter is quite essential but not on a crisp sandwich - I find if makes them just too greasy so I like them without - they do take a bit of holding together because of it though.

Shundo said...

In the other direction slightly, one of my childhood specialities was a Weetabix with jam on it - no butter needed for that one.

Sandy's witterings said...

Weetabix and jam's a new one on me - was it not a bit dry or in a bowl with milk too.

Zia Wolf-Sun said...

Umm! SluurrrP! Drooool! Looks pretty good to me :) Definately would have to be with butter though!

Shundo said...

Just the biscuit and jam. And yes, very dry and crumbly...

Jason Bond said...

I can imagine this going down more easier than the Smarties sandwich. I'd find that the uneven pallet distribution of the Smarties and the hard-shell chocolate to the soft-texture of the bread would make for an unpleasant experience, despite flavor. A Twix doesn't seem too bad though. It'd definitely have more stability than the Smartie, and its the right balance of crunchy/chewy. Oh, and this has nothing to do with the fact that Twix is one of my top 3 favorite chocolate bars. =D

Sandy's witterings said...

I agree with you Jason, I suspect that shards of Smartie could get stuck under the gums and be quite painful. As well as being harder to hold together.