Monday, 3 January 2011

2010 - A year in beer

Here's a quick pictorial view through just a few of the pints of beer that came my way during the last twelve months and where better to start than with a small offering from Arkell's.

Wychwood are the makers some very fine ales but to win one makes it taste even better.

Pressed Rat and Warthog - probably gets the best beer name of the year.

After 45 years, I finally get to pour my own beer - not bad for a first pint I think.

Not the same pint I poured, you can probably tell by the lack of drips, but one Bev poured for me.


Shundo said...

Making me thirsty just looking at them...Cheers

Anonymous said...

Yes, my taste buds are twitching. All look to be good pours done with finesse.

Unknown said...

I used to a good beer but had to give it up nearly 20 years back if I ever expected to make it past 40. Of course, we drink ours ice cold and that seems to add to the taste, at least to a Yank's palate. Happy New Years and many more pints to come, Sandy!

Becky said...

I love it!

Zia Wolf-Sun said...

What a fine and charming array of beers! A good year for beer then?!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Excellent, I think there are a good few new beers for me to try in that selection!

Sandy's witterings said...

Cheers all you commenting good people.

It has been a good year for beer Zia mainly because I spent such a lot of it down south in beer land. At least Juliet, living up in Tennants lager land, you stand a better chance of finding a decent beer in Edinburgh than the rest of Scotland.

Ice cold Chip!! Oh dear.